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RM Unify Password Filter
Published Date : 31 Aug 2017   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC5797917  


RM Unify Password Filter is a component used by both RM Unify AD Sync and Network Provisioning. There is no requirement to update this component on domain controllers where a previous version is installed. However, versions and earlier contain a defect which incorrectly processes the pound (£) symbol and subsequently prevents successful logon to RM Unify with passwords that use this character. The latest version of Password Filter resolves this issue. For more information, refer to TEC5118905 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

To remove a previous version of RM Unify Password Filter

  1. Log on to the domain controller server as administrator*.
  2. From the Start menu, select Control Panel, 'Programs and Features'.
  3. From the list of programs, locate RM Unify Password Filter, right-click and select Uninstall.
    *Note: You might find that RM Unify Password Filter is not shown in the list of programs. This can occur if you are not using the account that was used for the original installation. If this happens, please refer to TEC4669762 in the Other Useful Articles section below for instructions.
  4. Follow the prompts to uninstall the program. This will include a server reboot.
  5. At each of your other domain controllers, repeat steps 1-5 to remove RM Unify Password Filter.

To install RM Unify Password Filter
: As detailed below, the installation procedure differs slightly on Server Core editions of Windows Server, where there is no graphical user interface.

  1. Log on to a domain controller as the domain administrator user (not as a CC4 system administrator).
  2. Browse to the folder containing RM Unify Password Filter 64bit.msi.
    (Alternatively, on Server Core you can locate the folder by changing directories at Command Prompt.)
  3. To start the installation, double-click the MSI.
    (On Server Core, do this by entering msiexec /i "RM Unify Password Filter 64bit.msi" at Command Prompt.)
    An InstallShield Wizard is displayed.
  4. Click Next, Install and then click Finish.
  5. When the installation is complete, click Yes to restart the server.
    Important Note: Until the server is rebooted, no password changes will be detected or synchronised to RM Unify.
    (On Server Core, do this by entering shutdown /r /t 0 at Command Prompt.)
  6. When the reboot is complete, log on as the domain administrator. When the logon is complete, log off.
    (On Server Core, do this by entering logoff at Command Prompt.)
  7. Repeat steps 1-7 for any other domain controllers on your network, if applicable. You can deploy to more than one server at a time if desired.

Other Useful Articles

RM Unify Network Provisioning - Prerequisites and preparation (TEC5797912)
RM Unify Network Provisioning (TEC5797903)
RM Unify - Users on a CC4 network are unable to use the pound symbol in their password (TEC5118905)
RM Unify - RM Password Filter does not show in 'Programs and Features' (TEC4669762)
FAQ for RM Unify Network Provisioning (TEC5832777)

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Document Keywords: RM Unify Password Filter, reinstall, re-install, uninstall, upgrade, reboot, TEC5797917

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