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Microsoft Edge opens RM Unify in a new Internet Explorer window
Published Date : 13 Jun 2017   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC5720043  


You have configured your Microsoft® Edge browser for single sign-on with RM Unify as per TEC4668878 (in the Other Useful Articles section below). You find that the Microsoft Edge browser always opens RM Unify in a new Internet Explorer® window.


This can occur in either of the following circumstances:

  1. Edge has been configured to open all URLs in the 'Local intranet' zone using Internet Explorer and the RM Unify URL https://*.rmunify.com is placed in this zone.
  2. Edge has been configured to use the Enterprise Mode site list and https://*.rmunify.com has been placed on this site list. Edge will open URLs specified in this site list using Internet Explorer.


Force the 'Local intranet' zone URLs to open in Microsoft Edge

On a Community Connect® 4 (CC4) network:

  1. Open CC4 Management Console.
  2. Browse to the 'Internet & Email Settings' user policy.
  3. Click the Microsoft Edge category.
  4. Clear the 'Sends all intranet traffic over to Internet Explorer' box.
  5. Repeat the above steps with the All Users user policy.

On a non-CC4 network:
Please speak to your usual network support provider for advice on how best to deploy this setting to your network users. You may find this additional information helpful.

In group policy, you can configure this setting from the following policy: User or Computer, Policies, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Microsoft Edge, 'Sends all intranet traffic over to Internet Explorer'.

This updates the following registry key to control how Edge opens URLs in the 'Local intranet' zone:

"SendIntranetTraffictoInternetExplorer"=dword:00000001 (URLs are opened in Internet Explorer)
"SendIntranetTraffictoInternetExplorer"=dword:00000000 (URLs are opened in Edge)

Remove RM Unify from the Edge Enterprise Mode site list

On a CC4 network:

  1. Open CC4 Management Console
  2. Browse to the 'Internet & Email Settings' user policy.
  3. Click the Microsoft Edge category.
  4. Expand 'Allows you to configure the Enterprise Site list'.
  5. Remove http://*.rmunify.com from the list.
  6. Repeat the above steps with the All Users user policy.

Other Useful Articles

Preparing your network for device single sign-on (SSO) with RM Unify (TEC4668878)

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Document Keywords: ie, internet explorer, single sign-on, signon, dsso, TEC5720043

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