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RM Mini PC Installation Guide
Published Date : 14 Aug 2009   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC1472823  


Wall mounting or desk mounting your mini PC

The RM miniPC solution has the ability to be mounted almost anywhere in the classroom, including under desks or on walls.

To do this the miniPC should be mounted as per the quick start guide, but starting at step 2, where the unit should be screwed into the desired mounting position instead.

Important: The RM miniPC and miniMount solution weighs approximately 4Kg in total (equivalent to about 40N force). Ensure that when attaching this device that the screw's chosen can support this weight. Consideration must also be taken regarding the material into which the screws are being located, e.g. wood, masonry, etc.


Approved monitors

Iiyama PB1904S
Iiyama PB1704S
Iiyama P1704S
Iiyama PL1700
Iiyama PLB2409HDS-B
LG L1742SM
Hanns G HW191D
Hanns G HW173
Belinea 1730SI
Belinea 10 17 17
GNR T9704D
GNR TG7004

(Note: Only compatible with RM ecoquiet® 50 systems due to the embedded VGA cable)


Requirement checks for existing monitors

The RM miniPC and miniMount solution in combination weighs 4kgs. The user must ensure that the monitors are capable of supporting the weight without failing the CE testing that advises that the monitor object must be able to be elevated 15 degrees in any direction without causing instability.

RM takes no responsibility for solutions mounted on monitors outside of the approved monitor list.

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Document Keywords: miniPC, mini, PC, solution, vesa, mount, wall, desk mount, cage, minimount, TEC1472823

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