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How to move your RM registered domain name to a different provider
Published Date : 19 May 2005   Last Updated : 25 Jul 2024   Content Ref: TEC11222  


If you no longer want RM to host your domain, your domain name tag needs to be released to your new Internet Service Provider (ISP).

IHG Delivery team is responsible for releasing your domain. They require ten working days' notice to complete the release.


Releasing your tag

Once the authorisation of the requester is completed:

  1. RM will share the respective domain zone file and inform the requester to revert with new TAG and Name server information when their new ISP set up the details on their server.
  2. Once RM receives the confirmation, the TAG and Name server of the domain will be amended accordingly.
  3. After completion of five working days of TAG transfer, a service call will be logged to remove the zone file from RM side.

More Information

What happens afterwards?
  • If you wish to continue to have RM host your website (this service is renewable independently of your ISP connection or domain name hosting contract), please inform IHG Delivery. They will make the changes necessary to ensure that your service continues to work.
  • If you have chosen to move your website to another ISP, we will hold your website on our web servers for one calendar month, to allow you to migrate your website to another web hosting provider. After this time, your website will be deleted and will be unavailable for copying and transferring.

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Document Keywords: windows, linux, cpanel, webhosting, web hosting, ISP, IFL, Delivery, IHG, website, web site, TEC11222

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